Happy Mom is special.

Happy Mom, the postpartum care specialist, earns trust from mothers through dedication and love, providing comfort to both the baby and the mother. Recognizing the importance of small but precious details, they leave a lasting impression on expectant mothers.
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Premium Postpartum Care Service with Class

Experience the finest premium postpartum care service tailored to the trends of the times. We endeavor to deliver a service that not only meets but also moves the hearts of mothers.

Happy Mom is a postpartum care service that sends caregivers to homes, providing mothers with love and dedication. Especially for first-time mothers facing uncertainties and busy lifestyles, we offer experienced assistance. With our expertise, we care for both mother and newborn with utmost love and dedication, aiming to satisfy mothers’ hearts and become the source of happiness, Happy Mom.

Postpartum Care Services

What Postpartum Caregivers Do

Newborn Care Management

Recording and Managing Newborn Logs, Temperature Monitoring, Newborn Massage (to Foster Growth, Emotional Stability, and Neurological Development), Bathing and Umbilical Cord Care, Sterilizing Bottles, Managing Breast Pumps, Laundering Newborn Clothing

Basic Household Tasks

Light Cleaning (Baby’s Room), Regular Simple Laundry, Kitchen Cleanliness Maintenance

Maternal Care Services

Managing Postpartum Edema, Breast Massage (to Prevent Breast Engorgement), Assisting with Breastfeeding, Sitz Baths (to Relieve Perineal Pain and Promote Healing), Foot Baths (to Alleviate Edema and Improve Blood Circulation), Maternal Hygiene Management, Nutritional Support, Meal Preparation

Family Care

Meal and Snack Preparation, Quick Wash-ups, Toy Tidying

😊Postpartum caregivers are not housemaids

Service Charges

The minimum service period is 2 weeks.

The basic family includes the mother, the mother’s spouse, and a newborn.

Additional charges will apply for any other family members.

※For long-distance work, we work continuously regardless of specific weekdays or holidays. In the first week, we work for 5 days, in the second week for 10 days, in the third week for 15 days, and in the fourth week for a total of 20 days. Calculated this way, a month amounts to approximately 6 weeks, with a total of 30 workdays.

Cost of baby care services

The minimum service duration is 4 weeks.

Our working hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


미국에서 첫 아기를 출산한 산모입니다.

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저는 3월말 둘째 아이를 낳은 산모입니당 ㅎ 솔직히 산후조리사 가격이 부담스러워서 그냥 남편 잘 시켜가며 돈절약좀 해볼까..하다가 이모님을 hire하기러 결정했는데요, 정말 최고의 선택이었던거 같습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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